Is Des & Dan a Mediterranean restaurant? Or Turkish Restaurant? From the menu, there are at least 2 items that is of Turkish origin: Lahmacun and Turkish Coffee. The rest of the menu can be said as combination of dishes from Mediterranean region.
We we quite disappointed when we came here for lunch. Many of the menu, such as Pilav Rice and Kebab, was sold out. It was weekend, and probably Des & Dan was fully packed since morning by cyclist. Its location is a prime spot for weekend cyclist to have breakfast after long session. We started with Hummus, served with bread. And when we were about to order second plate, the Hummus was sold out.

To confirm if Des & Dan served a good Turkish food, we ordered Lahmacun, the Turkish bread served just like Italian Pizza. However, different with its Italian counterpart, Lahmacun is not topped with tomato and cheese. The bread is topped with minced meat and various herbs, making it taste light and fresh. I rolled it up before eating, making the Lahmacun feel full in the mouth.

We would be happy to order more food. But since most of our favorite dishes was not available, we were content to order one more Mediterranean dishes: Sultana. The food come with thin dressing of yogurt, giving hint of sour towards the sweet-savory meat and bread. fantastic food for starter.

Before leaving, we had a look on the display of Mediterranean bread, located near the cashier. I was told that Des & Dan started by selling bread at smaller place, before opening the restaurant. In that case, the bread is must-try.

We decided to skip the Turkish coffee for today, not feeling to get another caffeine jolt at noon. Having been located around where I usually cycling, I plan to come back with hope of more variety of food being available. And by then, I will probably order a good cup of Turkish Coffee for a morning caffeine jolt.